Sunday, 11 November 2012

Didn't ActuallyHappen

Taking the dog for a walk? Yeah, didn't happen. Once I foam rolled I was a little hungry so I ate an apple and some almonds, and then decided to watch Christmas with the Kranks and ice my knee (never too early for Christmas movies, made my day!), and then I made soup. I wish I took him right when I got home but I didn't, and now it's a bit chilly and dark. I'm taking him bright and early tomorrow though, hold me to it!

I really hope the beautiful weather we had today sticks around for tomorrow and maybe I'll go for another run depending on how my knee feels. It's been hurting a bit when I'm running and I know it's a combination of some IT band issues and needing new shoes. Hopefully I get new shoes before a 5k Santa Run I'm doing on December 1st. I did foam roll though! And oh man, foam rolling the inside of my leg? Ouch. If no run then maybe some TRX, I hate it because it's hard. But it gives me a challenge, anyways I'm going to see if there's anything good on TV. See you tomorrow!

Third times the charm?

Good afternoon! I just came back from a sweaty 4 mile run. It's surprisingly  very warm out in November, I wore shorts and a t-shirt! Over the past couple weeks in Ontario it's been chilly, but today feels like a spring day. I love it. Gotta soak it up while you can!

At 11am I had my third driving lesson. My previous one went horrible. I made so many mistakes, my instructor kept telling me I was going to fail and I just felt like crying. However this one went awesome! I drove to another city (which has very tight and narrow one way streets) and didn't mess up. I made a few errors but nothing major. That G2 test has nothing on me! Unless there's parallel parking, then maybe. I have yet to learn that. Wish me luck on that one.

I've gotta go stretch, shower, ice, foam roll and walk the pup. Later!

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Hi! I'm Kassidy, the girl behind banana runner. I've been reading blogs for a year now and have decided to start my own. So why the name banana runner? Because I'm a runner who loooooves bananas. Seriously, I love them and every morning I have one. Whether it's a pre-run snack or going in my smoothies, pancakes or oatmeals, it's always there. If I don't have my banana, it can get ugly. I'm addicted and I don't care. My favorite combo is peanut butter and banana. Heaven in my mouth. I've been having that combo every morning for a year and haven't gotten tired of it yet. If you have yet to try the elusive pb and banana combo than you my friend are missing out. Jump on that pronto. You will not be sorry.

I've also been running for a year now and threw a healthy gluten free diet and consistent exercise I have managed to lose 20 pounds and ran my first half-marathon this past October, and ran it under 2 hours. Probably the proudest and happiest day of my life. This ramble of a blog will follow me through the ups and downs of life, thanks for stopping by!