Friday 1 February 2013

Sore, Sore, Sore

Did I mention sore? Wednesday's WOD killed my quads. But it is one of my favorite ones to date:

100m sprint
10 push-ups
15 KB swings
20 walking lunges
25 squats
100m sprint
90 second rest

When I took off on my second sprint on the first round my quads felt like thick lead. I could barely move and a couple swear words may of made their way out of my mouth. I used a 12lb KB and might go up higher next time. But then I probably wouldn't be able to walk at all. Did I mention it was 14 degrees Celsius at 7:30pm?! It was so warm that the run outside was wonderful. I finished in 15:45.

I took the next day off but my legs felt good, they were so fatigued immediately after the WOD but on Thursday were only a bit stiff. Today I took to my box for another WOD, I have been warned this one is fatal and people can't walk for days.

1 min front squats
1 min rest
1 min back squats
1 min rest
1 min air squats
1 min rest

I think I've done enough squats for the rest of the month. I used a 15lb bar with 10lbs on each side and then added 5lbs to each side during the second round. It was hard, my legs were still sore from Wednesday and I felt it. I manged to do 236 squats over the 3 rounds and am pretty proud of it. I pushed myself to the last second when people had given up and didn't stop. I stretched afterwards and then walked home. My legs feel pretty good, but ask me again tomorrow when I wake up.

When was the last time you were sore?

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